Test your knowledge in interventional radiology, interventional oncology and CIRSE journals, by competing against fellow attendees in the CVIR & CVIR Oncology Challenge. The winner of each round will enter a draw for a CIRSE 2025 free registration. Don’t miss your chance to participate and win!
📅 Date: Sunday, April 13
🕝 Time: 12.30 - 13.00
📌 Location: CVIR & CVIR Oncology booth
Get expert advice on your manuscript before submitting it to CVIR and CVIR Oncology!
Meet CVIR Oncology's Editor-in-Chief Thomas Helmberger, CVIR's Section Editor for Musculoskeletal Interventions Dimitrios Filippiadis, and CVIR's Section Editor for Oncological Interventions, Martijn Meijerink at the CVIR & CVIR Oncology booth for a one-on-one manuscript feedback session. This is your opportunity to receive valuable insights to improve your paper and increase your chances of publication.
📅 Date: Monday, April 14
🕝 Time: 12.30 - 13.00
📌 Location: CVIR & CVIR Oncology booth
Thomas Helmberger
CVIR Oncology Editor-in-Chief
Dimitrios Filippiadis
CVIR Section Editor for Musculoskeletal
Martijn Meijerink
CVIR Section Editor for Oncological Interventions
Stop by our booth to ask any questions about submitting your paper or reviewing for the CIRSE Journals and take home information. Let us support you on your journey of scientific publishing!
📅 Date and time: Ongoing throughout the congress
📌 Location: CVIR & CVIR Oncology booth
If you have any questions, get in touch with us via the contact form below.