Special sections

Special section on deep venous interventions

CVIR's latest special section dedicated to deep venous interventions was curated by guest editor Prof. Gerry O'Sullivan.


This article collection is meant to provide the reader with a detailed and comprehensive overview of the current evidence for and best techniques to achieve success in deep venous intervention.


Issue: December 2024


Current Perspectives on Deep Venous Interventions: Challenges, Evidence, and Future Directions
Gerard O’Sullivan


Current Evidence for Endovascular Therapies in the Management of Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis
Adam N. Plotnik, Zachary Haber & Stephen Kee


Imaging of Deep Venous Pathology

Carsten W. K. P. Arnoldussen


Early Thrombus Removal for Acute Lower Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis: Update on Inclusion, Technical Aspects, and Postprocedural Management

Adam N. Plotnik, Zachary Haber & Stephen Kee


Acute and Chronic Ilio-Femoral Venous Reconstruction

Narayanan Thulasidasan


Inferior and Superior Vena Cava Reconstruction

Rick de Graaf, Arne Estler & Gerd Grözinger


Review of Sharp Recanalization Techniques in Central Venous Occlusions

Tony Rizk, Antony Gayed, Stephen Stringfellow, Yara Younan, Ricardo Yamada & Marcelo Guimaraes


Inferior Vena Cava Filter Retrieval: Simple to Complex

Adam Swersky & Kush R. Desai


Diagnosis and Management of Pelvic Venous Disorders in Women

Neil M. Khilnani, Jimmy J. Xia, Ronald S. Winokur & Mark H. Meissner


Complications of Deep Venous Stenting and Their Management

Rachael I. Morris, Taha Khan & Stephen A. Black


Major Complications of Deep Venous Stenting

D. P. Joyce, R. I. Morris, S. A. Black, K. R. Desai & G. J. O’Sullivan


Previous special sections

Special section on MSK

This special section was curated by guest editor Prof. Julien Garnon and is dedicated to MSK interventions  and presents the latest technical advancements and most significant data from the literature on hot topics in MSK. The goal is to give any IR an overview of what is feasible and for which result.


Issue: November 2023


Take a look at the special section videos! Guest editors and authors of selected articles in the special section on MSK have highlighted some of the key issues covered and given readers a preview.


Read the complete special section here.


Special section on dialysis access interventions

CVIR's latest special section was curated by guest editors Professors Kiang Hiong Tay, Scott Trerotola and Bien Soo Tan and is dedicated to dialysis access interventions.


In an editorial for the special section, the guest editors say "Interventional therapies now provide a comprehensive service for dialysis access creation and management, and this special issue provides a clinical review of the current hot topics in this arena as well as revisits traditional topics with updates from experts in the field."


Issue: September 2023


Read the complete special section here.


Special section on radioembolization

This special section dedicated to radioembolisation was curated by guest editors Professors Laura Crocetti and Thierry de Baère.


Professors Crocetti and de Baère commissioned nine articles, which they say "cover the most recent knowledge and scientific evidence about radioembolization technique, patient selection and clinical outcomes."


In an editorial for the special section, the guest editors conclude "A lot has been learnt in terms of dosimetry and patient selection, and this supplementary issue of CVIR will provide the reader many valuable information. Radioembolization is alive, and same player shoots again!"


Issue: November 2022


Read the complete special section here.


Special section on TIPS

This special section is dedicated to TIPS, curated by Dr. Tiago Bilhim (Lisbon/PT).


It is a collection of articles on one of the most challenging interventional radiology procedures i.e., Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS), which were written by renowned international voices in the field.


Issue: May 2022


Read the complete special section here and more articles on TIPS in the CVIR topical collection dedicated to this topic by clicking here.


Special section on radiation protection

This special section is dedicated to radiation protection, curated by Prof. Werner Jaschke (Innsbruck/AT) and written by groups of experts on the topic.


This collection of articles on radiation protection endeavours to provide essential information on how to keep patients and operators safe from unnecessarily high doses of radiation. 


Issue: June 2021


Read the complete special section here and further articles on radiation protection in the CVIR topical collection dedicated to this topic by clicking here.


Special section on aortic interventions

Guest Editor, Prof. Ajay Chavan (Oldenburg/DE) put together a section on aortic intervetions for the special issue, with an aim to give readers a state-of-the-art overview of the topic.


The issue features review articles on endoluminal treatment of the aortic arch and of various aortic segments further distally, secondary endoleak management, the state-of-the-art imaging, open surgical options in case endoluminal therapy fails and many more.


Read the articles written by renowned experts in the field from around the world, featured in the December 2020 issue.


Special section on COVID-19

Browse articles in the special section dedicated to COVID-19, including articles on how to handle COVID-19 patients in the angio suite, a checklist for preparing your IR department for a pandemic, and reports, lessons learned from treating patients.  


Issue: June 2020


Read the complete special section here and further articles on COVID-19 in the CVIR topical collection dedicated to this topic by clicking here.


Special section on oncological interventions

The articles, commissioned by the former Section Editor for Oncological Interventions Thierry de Baère (Villejuif/FR), provide the field’s leading experts with the opportunity to share the latest information on interventional oncology, with multidisciplinary perspectives.


The IO secion os divided into two parts:

-  essential information that IRs need to know about IO

- oncology-specific procedures on targeted organs


Issue: September 2019


Read the complete special section here and further articles on IO in the CVIR topical collection dedicated to this topic by clicking here.