This special section is dedicated to radiation protection, curated by Prof. Werner Jaschke (Innsbruck/AT) and written by groups of experts on the topic.
This collection of articles on radiation protection endeavours to provide essential information on how to keep patients and operators safe from unnecessarily high doses of radiation.
Issue: June 2021
Read further articles on radiation protection in the CVIR topical collection dedicated to this topic by clicking here!
CVIR Special Issue on Radiation Protection
Werner Jaschke
Agapi Ploussi, Efstathios P. Efstathopoulos & Elias Brountzos
How to measure/calculate radiation dose in patients?
Reinhard Loose & Michael Wucherer
Radiation dose of patients in fluoroscopically guided interventions – an update
Graciano Paulo, Gabriel Bartal & Eliseo Vano
Madan M. Rehani, Donald L. Miller & Vinit Baliyan
Radiation exposure in paediatric interventional procedures
Agapi Ploussi, Elias Brountzos, Spyridon Rammos, Sotiria Apostolopoulou & Efstathios P. Efstathopoulos
Challenges in Occupational Dosimetry for Interventional Radiologists
E. Vano, R. Sanchez Casanueva, J. M. Fernandez Soto & G. Bartal
Get protected! Recommendations for staff in IR
Gabriel Bartal, Eliseo Vano & Graciano Paulo
Radiation and the Pregnant IR: Myth versus Fact
Meridith J. Englander & Christine Ghatan