This special section dedicated to radioembolisation was curated by guest editors Professors Laura Crocetti and Thierry de Baère.
Professors Crocetti and de Baère commissioned nine articles, which they say "cover the most recent knowledge and scientific evidence about radioembolization technique, patient selection and clinical outcomes."
In an editorial for the special section, the guest editors conclude "A lot has been learnt in terms of dosimetry and patient selection, and this supplementary issue of CVIR will provide the reader many valuable information. Radioembolization is alive, and same player shoots again!"
Issue: November 2022
Radioembolization: Same Player Shoots Again
Thierry de Baere & Laura Crocetti
Role of Transhepatic Arterial Radioembolization in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Irene Bargellini, Elena Bozzi, Giulia Lorenzoni, Giuseppe Boni, Francesca Bianchi, Claudio Antonio Traino, Gianluca Masi, Roberto Cioni & Laura Crocetti
Role of Radioembolization in Metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
Robert J. Lewandowski, Beau B. Toskich, Daniel B. Brown, Ghassan El-Haddad & Siddharth A. Padia
TARE in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: From the Right to the Left of BCLC
Boris Guiu, Etienne Garin, Carole Allimant, Julien Edeline & Riad Salem
Radioembolization Dosimetry in 2022
Etienne Garin, Boris Guiu, Julien Edeline, Yan Rolland & Xavier Palard
SIRT in 2025
Francesca Romana Ponziani, Francesco Santopaolo, Alessandro Posa, Maurizio Pompili, Alessandro Tanzilli, Marta Maestri, Maria Pallozzi, Francesca Ibba, Riccardo Manfredi, Antonio Gasbarrini &
Roberto Iezzi
Holmium-166 Radioembolization: Current Status and Future Prospective
Martina Stella, Arthur J. A. T. Braat, Rob van Rooij, Hugo W. A. M. de Jong & Marnix G. E. H. Lam
Transarterial Radioembolization to Impact Liver Volumetry: When and How
Arash Najafi & Christoph A. Binkert
The Role of Catheter-Directed CT-Angiography in Radioembolisation
Kun Da Zhuang, Aaron Kian-Ti Tong, David Chee Eng Ng & Kiang Hiong Tay
Overview of Ongoing Clinical Trials on Radioembolization
Matthias P. Fabritius & Jens Ricke