
Thank you to our reviewers!

CVIR would like to extend its gratitude to all reviewers for providing their expertise and indispensable contributions throughout the years. Reviewers are instrumental in maintaining and enhancing the high quality of articles published in our journal.


You can earn CME credits for reviewing manuscripts for CVIR. Contact the CVIR Editorial Office at to receive your reviewer certificate.


Reviewer Acknowledgment 2024

Read an editorial by CVIR Editor-in-Chief Klaus Hausegger, expressing his acknowledgment and appreciation to all CVIR reviewers for contributing to the success of the journal last year.


How to peer review

By being a reviewer, you will stay up to date on the latest developments in interventional radiology (IR). You will not only benefit on a personal and educational level, but you will also provide a service to the IR community. Being a good reviewer is not an easy boat to navigate, regardless of your reviewing experience.


Therefore, we invite you to enroll in this tutorial by Springer on how to peer review. It will give you an introduction to peer-reviewing and explain how you should go about reviewing a paper.


Click here to read the free "How to Peer Review: Easy Guide"


How to become a CVIR reviewer


Become a reviewer for the longest established journal for interventional radiology! As a CVIR reviewer, you can claim up to 3 CME credits for every review carried out for the journal with UEMS or your national accreditation body.

If you wish to become a CVIR reviewer and you have completed your interventional radiology training, please send your CV to the CVIR Editorial Office at and state your area of expertise.


Personal classifications

Once you have been accepted as a reviewer by the Editor-in-Chief, you will receive an email confirming you have been registered in Editorial Manager, the online submission website of CVIR. Please select thoroughly the appropriate areas of expertise/interest by selecting the necessary keywords in “Personal Classifications” section in your user profile in Editorial Manager. This will help the Editor to only invite you to review manuscripts within your area of expertise.
In case you already provided your personal classifications, we ask you to reconfirm their correctness to be sure that your expertise is properly listed. To do so please visit the Editorial Manager website.


Why become a CVIR reviewer

Some of the great benefits of being a reviewer are:

1. You will have a chance to get recognised within the field and expand your knowledge.
2. You can include reviewer experience in your CV/resume.
3. You will grow professionally by updating your knowledge and expertise within the field.
4. Your critical thinking and eye for detail – both essential for research and professional development – will be fostered.
5. You will read the latest research before everyone else and be able to constructively improve the published works in IR with you assessment.

6. You will help ensure the quality and integrity of research published in IR.

7. You will improve your own writing skills.


Review a manuscript

If you were recently invited to review a manuscript and have decided to accept it, you can access the manuscript by logging into Editorial Manager.


Should you not be able to accept a review invitation in the future, the Editors would also be most grateful if you would decline the review invitation and suggest an alternative reviewer that can be invited to review instead of you.


Reviewer Recognition - Publons and ORCID


CVIR is now connected with Publons and ORCID to give peer-reviewers more recognition for their vital contributions.


When returning reports for CVIR, reviewers will be invited to “claim” their verified review on their Publons profile. It’s quick and simple for researchers to claim credit for the peer review they’ve done while enabling their actual contribution to stay anonymous should they wish it to remain so.


CVIR has started offering direct acknowledgement of peer reviews to researchers’ ORCID profiles via Editorial Manager, if the reviewer opts in. This means that acknowledgement of peer review activity is deposited directly to the researcher’s ORCID, providing verified data to the ORCID profile.


Many thanks for your contribution!


Tips for peer-reviewing for CVIR


Raman Uberoi, CVIR's Deputy Editor in Chief prepared a few tips on how to review for CVIR. We hope it will be useful for you!


CVIR review tips_Aug 2020_Uberoi.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 430.6 KB