Reviewer Template

CVIR has just implemented a template for reviewers in Editorial Manager, with the aim to improve the overall quality of review reports by giving reviewers specific questions and points to address and assess on submitted manuscripts. We also hope it will help you communicate your constructive suggestions in the most helpful and structured way possible.

The reviewer templates are tailored to mirror the structure/headings of the different CVIR manuscript types. The templates contain pre-given questions, which vary depending on the structure of the respective manuscript type. Please try to address all of them when writing your next review. 

In the reviewer templates there are two types of comments that you will be asked to write:
1. Blind comments to author: address the different parts of the manuscript, in order to help authors, revise their manuscripts – if needed – to make them more suitable for publication. It is important that you are clear and concise in your comments.
2. Confidential comments to the editor: your feedback will indicate the manuscript’s suitability for publication in CVIR and will be visible only to editors.

If you have any questions regarding the reviewer template, please contact us at


Thank you for reviewing for CVIR!

Download the reviewer templates in microsoft word

If you wish to have a look at the templates feel free to download them here:

1) CVIR Reviewer Template
Template for the following article types: clinical investigations, laboratory investigations, scientific papers (other), technical notes.
1_CVIR Reviewer Template.docx
Microsoft Word Document 127.6 KB
2) CVIR Reviewer Template
Template for the following article types: review articles
2_CVIR Reviewer Template.docx
Microsoft Word Document 128.3 KB
3) CVIR Reviewer Template
Template for the following article types: case reports
3_CVIR Reviewer Template.docx
Microsoft Word Document 127.5 KB
4) CVIR Reviewer Template
Template for the following article types: cutting edge, letter to the editor, editorial and commentary
4_CVIR Reviewer Template.docx
Microsoft Word Document 125.5 KB